From:                              Licensing

Sent:                               05 September 2012 09:08

To:                                   Paul Campbell

Subject:                          FW: Objection to Licence Application - 89 Station Lane, Hornchurch, RM12 6JU


Categories:                     sub committee




From: Lee Clements []
Sent: 04 September 2012 21:31
To: Licensing
Subject: Objection to Licence Application - 89 Station Lane, Hornchurch, RM12 6JU


Dear Sir/Madam,


I am writing to object to the above licence application.


The premises concerned is located on an alleyway, where there have previously been anti-social behaviour issues and allowing alcohol to be sold here would undoubtedly lead to an increase in this problem.


Furthermore, the premises is also located on a paved area with benches and fast food establishments nearby, which would make it an attractive place for people to congregate, drink alcohol and cause trouble, to the detriment of local residents.


The sale of alcohol from this premises could additionally lead to an increase in litter and broken glass in the surrounding area.  The streetcleaner often has to sweep up broken glass in this area already.


Given that Hornchurch has a saturation policy in place and far more licensed establishments than are needed, I hope you are minded to reject this application in the interests of public safety, the prevention of public nuisance and crime and disorder, and the local community generally.


Yours sincerely,


Lee Clements (Miss)

10 Florence Close


RM12 6LD